VERY Ltd. Software for free

Family BookDesk
Allows viewing of TXT, HTML and RTF files in any encoding having a font on your computer. The program saves the "bookmarks" of files have been opened, as well as the history of reading for every one of any number of users. No search for the place you stopped after somebody dared read your book!
Family PlayDesk
Allows you to listen to record albums (e.g. audio books). The program saves the data ("bookmarks") of audio files and albums have been opened, as well as the history of listening for every one of any number of users. No search for the place you stopped after somebody dared listen your book!
System Life Time Monitor
This memory-resident appication records duration of the Windows sessions including abnormal ended sessions.
Program icon is located in the system tray. Function of multiple alarm clock is realized as a plugin.
LangInd2 Utility
This memory-resident utility shows the language indicator on the system cursor.
This application allows to split the file by specified delimiter, as well as join the files specified by the list.
Comparison and synchronization of files by their version in two folder paths.
For instance, using the program you can achieve the most updated and consistent modification of your Windows operation system; however, it is intended most of all for computer professionals, because improper use may lead to complete corruption of the system.
You can use the application to view characters that are available in any selected font.
Using the application, you can search for characters by Unicode character name, Unicode subrange, and other ways.
The program makes it possible to continue using Microsoft Internet Explorer under Windows 10.
Keyboard Russian
Extended version of the Russian Windows keyboard layout.
Additional characters are tied to Russian letters and are located in accordance with the "intuitive" principle.
Outfix Family Fonts
The Outfixed Special Font is a raster type font, having multilanguage support. See most exotic encoded text before converting!